HE > I
Thanksgiving Day I was at my Mom and Dad’s house with all my family. It is truly my favorite spot to be; I love it when we are all together. As we were circling the island in Mom’s kitchen, filling our plates beyond capacity, I noticed my sister-in-law’s necklace. I asked her what her necklace said and she simply put her finger under it and lifted it so I could see it more clearly. There on a gold bar was the inscription, HE > I.
HE > I! That message and those few letters have stayed with me. They have marinated deep in my soul for months now. He is greater than me. Most of us would say that we believe that. We could boldly proclaim, “He is greater than me!”. We say we believe it, but does our life reflect it?
If we are honest, we would have to admit that we live as if our way is better than His way. You see, my way wants me to conform to this world – to fit in – to be liked. His way is for me to be different – to stand out – to be like Him. His way is for us to be transformed into the likeness of Him. To not just act Christ-like, but to truly become more and more like Him.
We live as if our thoughts are greater than His thoughts. We start our sentences with “In my opinion…”. We base our opinions on our education, the news media and what others say. Why do we do that when we have the truth of God’s word? Scripture tells us to take every thought captive. We are not to rationalize our thoughts and our feelings. Instead, we are to run them through the filter of God’s truth. Our thoughts drive our actions. If we change our thoughts to reflect the truth of God’s word, we would act differently and become more like Jesus.
If we believe HE > I, why do we keep trying to walk down our own path, asking God to bless it? Do we not know that His path and His plans are far greater than the path and plan we are trying to drive to fruition? He has already paved our way and promises to guide us saying “This is the way, now walk in it.” Let’s walk in it. Let’s surrender our path and walk the path He has for us and become who He has created us to be.
Lastly, if we believe HE > I, then why in the world are we full of fear? Hasn’t He proven Himself faithful? Do we not believe that He has us, will be with us and will carry us through whatever we may face in this world? Our fears are great. If we believe He is with us, where is our faith? Shouldn’t our faith be greater than our fears?
The next 5 weeks let’s talk about it. Let’s not just say HE > I, but let’s start choosing to live like we believe it. Are you with me? I will continue to write about it here on my blog – be sure you are subscribed. I will also be talking about it. You can catch me live on Facebook (be sure you LIKE this page). My plans are to go LIVE and blog every Wednesday. However, I do have 2 grandchildren due during this time and their arrival may preempt my schedule. I will let you know should that happen. God has laid this on my heart and is calling me to not only write, but to talk about the message that HE > I.
His Way > My Way
His Thoughts > My Thoughts
His Path for Me > My Path
His Faithfulness > My Fear
He > I
If you are committed to join me to straighten out our perspective the next five weeks, comment below, LIKE this post and SHARE it with your friends on all forms of social media. Thanks for reading and committing to join me. I love you and want us to get this right in our lives. It is important, oh so important. Today, I leave you with this scripture…
“He must increase, but I must decrease. ”
**Thanks so much for taking time to read this post here at Master What Matters. YOU matter to be and YOU matter to Jesus. Let’s stay connected! Be sure to subscribe and check out the FREEBIES section and the Marketplace at www.pampegram.com.