Yesterday, a friend and I casually chatted. We had just wrapped up an exciting event and we stood laughing and sharing. She looked at me and said, “You have a powerful testimony.” When she spoke those words, it was as if God was tapping me on the shoulder and saying, “Have you forgotten what I have done? Have you forgotten?” Yes, I have a powerful testimony. I have a powerful testimony not because of me, but because of God and who He is, because of His love and His grace, because He is so very good and sent His Son to rescue me from the depths of hell. Today, I am undone. Undone.
I am undone because God has rained His grace down on me over and over again. He has forgiven my disobedience, my disbelief, and my times of detachment. When I am distracted or determined to do things my way, He calls me. He calls me back to Him, even after all the times I have stepped on my own path, put other relationships before Him, and thought my way was best. God’s amazing grace washes over me and therefore, I am undone.
I am undone because God loves me more than my brain can even comprehend. His love has never wavered, never decreased or been withdrawn. It is constant and it is overwhelming. Because of His great love, He sent Jesus to die for me so that I could be with Him forever. In Jesus, He gave me everything – everything I ever wanted and everything I will ever need. Jesus is the answer to every question, the solution to every problem. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus – the sweetest name I know, name above all names, my Savior, my best friend, my everything. He loves me and I am undone. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus!
I am undone because He is so good! He is so very good. Even when it has been my disobedience that led me to suffer, He comforted me. He carried me. He provided for me. And in spite of me, He has a purpose and a plan for me. He has placed a calling on my life. He has allowed me to experience His sweet presence, to partake of His peace and to recover in the rest only He can provide. Even when I dig my broken pieces out of the trash, He reminds me that I have been restored. Because He is so good, I am undone.
“So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.”
Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, One thing you lack: go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.”
Today, can I encourage you to let yourself be undone? Lay yourself down at the cross and be undone by what He has done for you. Let go of your pride and all of the “me” that is inside of you. Be like a very small child, carefree and full of joy, and crawl up in your Heavenly Father’s lap. Tell Him how thankful you are for your testimony of His amazing grace. If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior – you have a powerful testimony. If you aren’t sure that you have done that, I encourage you to visit this page on my website and print out the Plan of Salvation. Read all the red words in the New Testament and get to know who Jesus is. When you are ready, surrender your life to Him. There is nothing better, nothing! Be undone.
Be undone.
I am also undone because God has called me to write. Thank you for reading my words. I cannot express how much I appreciate you. Please visit www.pampegram to subscribe to this blog and connect on social media. Let's hang out again. Now, go get undone!