Why Me
Why Me?
There are times in our life when we cry out to God and ask, Why Me? This may take you back to a day or a time when you asked God this very question. Why do we have to walk through such difficult times? Why are we enduring heartbreak? Why did this happen to us? We question God and want an answer to our question… Why Me? What did I do to deserve this?
But there are other times when we ask this same question. Sometimes life seems to be going our way. There is a promotion, a dream come true or times when we feel blessed beyond measure. Again, we cry out to God, but this time with overwhelming gratitude and ask, Why Me? I am not worthy of the good things that are happening in my life. We wonder… what did I do to deserve this?
And then, as believers we know that we are created on purpose and have been given a purpose. We each have a calling and God has a plan for us. Our life is about more than just us. If we say we believe the Bible is God’s word – then we must also believe that there is a purpose for our life and there is a path He has for us to walk. Yet, we do not feel worthy to fulfill God’s plan. We question it. So, we ask, Why Me? Do you really need me? What have I done to deserve to do anything for God?
We ask, why me – but shouldn’t we really ask, why not me?
While we do not want to endure hard trials, have stopped dreaming big dreams and can’t imagine we have any gifts God could use – we have been chosen for such a time as this. And it has nothing to do with who we are and what we have done, but everything to do with who He is and what He has done. All we have to do is choose to trust Him.
Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:2-5
Count it all joy? That seems crazy, doesn’t it. God is not asking us to be excited that we experienced a loss, suffered a tragedy or are walking through a difficult season. No, that would be cruel and we know that God is good. This scripture says that God will use our hard season or our trial to grow us and strengthen us. He will wrap His arms around us and draw us close. We can pull away or we can crawl up in His lap. We have that choice. But what do we know to be true? He is good, He loves us, He has a plan that supersedes our plans, He is faithful and He will use everything for good in our life – even when we cannot imagine how. His way is always best.
We can experience joy. It will not look like what the world describes as joy. It will look like this definition by Rick Warren, “Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.” Joy is ours when we run to Him, place our trust in Him, and find rest in His presence.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17
But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. James 4:16
God in His mercy allows us to experience good things. If we are not careful, we can let ourselves believe that we have earned them. But remember, our best is like filthy rags. We deserve hell. It is the blood of the Lamb that covers us and makes us white as snow. It is not our intelligence or ambition that has earned us success or happy times. Every good gift is from God and He deserves our praise. We cannot boast and brag on what we have done when it is His breath in our lungs, His strength in us, His wisdom we have.
Being blessed may look different to us than how the world measures it. James 1:12 says, “Blessed is the man who endures temptation (trials); for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” Life is not about the here and now, this is just a blip of time. Life is eternal. When we look at our life from God’s perspective, is our comfort and ability to get along good? Or is our life to be about so much more?
Which leads us right into our purpose. God has a plan for each of us, a purpose for us to fulfill. Again, we can say yes and embark on a great journey with Him. Or we can pass and just fumble through our life pretending it is all about me, my opinions, and my ideas and plans. Don’t miss this. There is nothing better than having an intimate relationship with Jesus. There is no higher high than experiencing His presence. There is no greater deed than to fully surrender to Him.
We teeter totter – back and forth – back and forth. My way – His way – my way – His way. We want to surrender and whole heartedly submit to God. Yet, we are distracted, busy, discouraged, weak, selfish.
Therefore, to him (that is us) who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. James 4:17
In spite of what we tell ourselves, we are not getting a pass on this. God sees what we do and what we choose not to do. We know that being disobedient to HIs word is sin. We know if we do wrong it is sin. But - as this scripture says, choosing to not do what He is asking us to do is also sin and places us on the wrong path.
Why you? Why have you had to endure such hard times? I don’t know. But it is part of His plan for you and He has promised to use it for good – if you will trust Him. Worship Him. Acknowledging Who He is and realizing how big He is and knowing He is able to carry you through – may be all that will get you through.
Why you? Why has He allowed you to achieve your goals or dreams. I don’t know. But it is part of His plan for you and He has promised to use it for good – if you will trust Him. Praise Him! Thank Him and humbly ask Him to show you how He wants to use this.
Why you? Why does He have a purpose for you? I don’t know. But I do know there is no better place to be than right in the center of His will. Lay yourself down – stop questioning, stop worrying, stop overthinking. Just say, Yes. Walk with Him and talk with Him and do what He asks you to do. After all – look at what He has done for you.
Why you? Why not you?
It Matters!
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