5 Reasons You Aren't Leading

5 Reasons You Aren’t Leading

Are you ready? This may be a bit painful, but let’s see which one(s) apply to us and deal with them. Will you be brave enough to message me with the ones that deter you from rising up to lead?

5.  I don’t feel like it.

We are conforming to the world and allowing our feelings to determine what we say and do. Our feelings can trip us up, derail us, and lead us astray. Do you remember when Satan hissed, “Did God really say?” Eve felt like God had been unfair and she was missing out. That was not true at all.

This is just one example that we cannot trust our feelings. So, who can we trust? We can trust the truth found in God’s word. We can trust Jesus and our relationship with Him. We can trust the prompting of the Holy Spirit to guide us in the right direction. (If He is guiding us, we are moving forward – aka leading.) As we move forward in faith, we will lead others to Christ.

4. I fear I will fail.

Oh, we are sure to fail over and over again. We are human. But, we don’t have to fear failure because it is one of the things God uses to teach us, grow us, and strengthen us. Failures offer us opportunities to be vulnerable and transparent, revealing our need for grace.

Most importantly, we are not called to operate in fear, we are called to walk by faith. The Bible is clear that our faith will not mature and strengthen without trials. Rising up to lead is sure to present some struggle, but each one will be a stepping stone to a stronger faith. Let’s remember what Paul said in Phillipians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

3. I don’t have the personality to lead.

Where did we get that only certain personality types or Enneagram numbers can lead? Where is that scripture in the Bible? Again, we are believing things that simply have no merit. Quiet, reserved leaders are dynamic. Bold and brave leaders are incredible. Those who lead with Godfidence and those who show up to lead afraid because they love Him are all used by God.

There are no personality qualifiers listed in the Bible when God is instructing us how to live out our faith. The actions words of go, do, serve, give, love, trust, hope, act, become, transform, etc. apply to us all. We are to be becoming more and more like Christ and He was the greatest servant lead of all times. If we follow His lead, we are to rise up “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up”. (Ephesians 4:12)

2. I am uncomfortable leading.

What is up with us continually giving into our comfort zone? Throughout history, following Jesus had required being uncomfortable. Jesus was so uncomfortable with His calling that it caused Him to actually sweat blood. That is convicting, isn’t it?

The Bible calls followers to die to themselves, take up their cross, and follow Jesus. All of that happens outside our comfort zone. When we choose to stay safely rooted in comfort we are being disobedient. (Yikes! Sorry… I’m just sharing what the Bible teaches.) We are to live sacrificially to seek the good for others. “And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Leading means choosing to be uncomfortable and love others more than we do our comfort.

1.  I am not qualified to lead.

We think our leadership is all about us. We think our accomplishments, our failures, and our abilities are what matters. But… our leadership has nothing to do with us. It is not about who we are and what we have done. We, as believers, rise up and lead because of who He is and what He has done. Our goal is not to point others to us, but to point others to Him.

You see, in spite of our failures, our insecurities and our fears, we can rise up to lead because of what Jesus has done for each one of us. We are Daughters of the King. Everywhere we go, He is with us. We can be strong and courageous, because the Lord, our God is with us wherever we go. (Joshua 1:9)


Can I encourage you? These really aren’t reasons, they are excuses we use to shrink back instead of rising up.

Do you remember when Peter walked on the water with Jesus? The other disciples stayed in the boat. They missed out on this miraculous experience with their Lord. I wonder what these excuses are costing you? What are you missing? Who is missing out because you are not rising up to lead them? I know this story about Peter continues to inspire thousands upon thousands. How might God use your obedience?


It matters. Lead like Jesus and let Him use you and your obedience to brings others to Him.

I am praying for you…


Leadership & Personal Growth Coach

Engage for More

p.s. March is my birthday month and this year I am turning 60! To celebrate, I am invite 60 women to join me for a Leadership RoundTable! Why should you consider joining? Because you are called to follow Jesus and lead others to Him. It matters how you show up in your workplace, in your community, and in your home. Grab your seat and meet us at the Leadership Roundtable.

Only 10 Days left to join (well, unless we fill up before then….)

Let’s accept the call to rise up and lead like Jesus!

Learn more here.

Listen to a conversation about it here.

Let’s stay connected…

Resources for you…

  • Need a Mentor? Check out The CIRCLE Mentorship Program. Learn how to apply God’s word to your everyday life and experience true transformation.

  • Want someone to walk alongside you? Pam is a Life & Leadership Coach. Click here and schedule a complimentary call so you can find out more.

  • Need a Speaker at your event? Pam is a sought after speaker. Reach out to her.

  • Ready to Rise Up and become the Leader God is calling your to be? Learn more about our Leadership Program.

  • Subscribe to Pam’s Leadership Newsletter, LEAD, by clicking here.

  • Visit our websites - pampegram.com and engageformore.com

  • If you are looking for a resource to help you grow more intimate with Jesus, check out Pam’s book, Saved by Grace, Now What? It is available on the MWM Marketplace and also available on Amazon.

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