Jesus Be the Center

What shall we cook for Thanksgiving? Should we go ahead and put up the Christmas tree or wait until next weekend? Should we hit the sales Thanksgiving night or wait until Friday morning? What are we going to do with the kids during their break from school? How are we going to make the rounds and make sure we see all our relatives? Should we go to my family’s

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Grateful Children

Are you raising grateful children? The leaves are falling, the air is cooler, and the days are growing shorter. We are pulling out our cardigans, donning our favorite pair of boots and sipping on lattes. We are nearing the time for our celebration feast called Thanksgiving. What do your children...

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Master What Matters

When you read the words “master what matters”, what thoughts pop into your mind? Does it make you pause and think about what matters to you? If you were to make a list, what items would you include? Would you list the right...

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Not What I Will

Mine! Me first! What about me? – words that toddlers shout out loud and adults silently swirl around in their mind. We scold our children for saying such things and we never admit we think such things. It is ugly and ...

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Leap of Faith

True confession time. I’ve been struggling a bit, wallowing in my insecurities, longing for clear direction, feeling down… retreating into my carefully defined comfort zone. Satan has been whispering in my ear, reminding me of my failures, questioning what God has shown me and distracting me from following...

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It's All About...

What is it that overwhelms my soul, fills my mind, captures my heart and determines my actions? What is it that I am after? What do I want? What is my life all about? What matters most to me, truly matters most? Do I dare to get real...

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Don't Settle

Let's get this right. Let's let go of all the things that simply do not matter and grab ahold of the One True Thing that Matters Most - our relationship with Jesus.

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