Our Beliefs Matter

What do you believe? Do you believe what you say you believe? Do you live like you believe what you say you believe? It is easy to say we believe something, but our actions and our reactions are an indication of the truth. Do we have a strong and authentic belief or do we struggle with unbelief?

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Pam PegramComment
What Matters Most

I have a long list of what matters to me, some really big things and some things that have no business being on the list. What I learned as a child, my life circumstances, my insecurities, and my goals have all contributed to the many items that have found there way onto this list. Over the years I have learned that my plan, my choices, my feelings and my fears can all lead me astray, taking me where I never wanted to go…

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Pam PegramComment
Master, What Matters

There is so much going on… so much to worry about… so much to do… so much that disappoints… so much that hurts… so much to be discouraged about… We smile a pretty smile and say we are fine, but honestly, we are struggling. We are consumed. We are overwhelmed…

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Pam PegramComment
Ever Wonder What Really Matters

Do you ever struggle? Do you feel overwhelmed by the busyness of your life? Do you wake up running and collapse at night frustrated because you were not able to get it all done? There is so much noise. Do you hear it? So much noise from all that is competing for our attention. We wear so many hats and try desperately to keep them all perched perfectly atop our head...

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Pam Pegram Comments
There is a Better Way

It’s time to take a spiritual assessment. Let’s get real so that we can get right. There is a better way than our way. Our opinion is not what determines where we are spiritually. We must use God’s word to measure the condition of our heart. Let’s just use this one man and this one verse and see how we compare. You see, no matter who we have been in the past, no matter what we have done…

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Pam Pegram Comment
It's Time to Make Time

I am busy…so busy…too busy! It is a busy time of year. I have so much on my plate. You have no idea all that I have going on right now. We make lists on paper and on our phones. We write them on our calendars and hang them on the fridge. Regardless of how loaded our plate - or platter - may be, we seem to focus on the load and our own ability to carry it. It consumes our mind. We think about it all day long, even when we are trying to have family time, even as we drift off to sleep…

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Pam PegramComment
Stop Shorting Yourself

We stop short of experiencing what God has for us. We are short sighted and can only see what is right in front of us. We short change ourselves and deny ourselves the abundance of what Christ came to offer us. Stop shorting yourself…

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Pam PegramComment
Is It Important to Open God's Word

Who has time to study the Bible? I mean, really? We have so much going on every single day. Why can’t we just wait until Sunday and let our pastor tell us what it says? He understands it better than we do. Why is it important to open God’s word, read it, digest it and actually study it to gain understanding…

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Pam PegramComment
Are You Pressing On

May Day! May Day! We need a Savior! Oh, that’s right – we have One! What we need is an intervention. Stop what you are doing and challenge yourself; Where does Jesus rank in your life? Is He more important than your career? Do you regard Him higher than your own thoughts and opinions? Do you put Him before your family? If we are honest, we may have to face the truth that we are addicted to our own ways, feelings and desires. We may find that we cannot experience intimacy with Jesus until we lay ourselves down...

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Pam PegramComment
Step Into What Jesus Came to Offer You

We have been talking about what we are supposed to do with our belief in Jesus. We wonder if we even understand why He did what He did. And, if we do get it – are we living out our belief in Him? Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came so that we could have life and have it more abundantly. Yet, we worry, fear, and struggle with insecurity. None of those sound like abundant living. How do we step into what Jesus came to offer us? How do we live out our faith…

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Pam PegramComment
Why Did Jesus Do What He Did

If we were sitting face to face and chatting about Jesus and our relationship with Him, you would declare you know the answer to the question, “Why did Jesus do what He did?” You would tell me about the time you accepted Him as your Savior and you would share all your head knowledge of Him with me. You would talk about your blessings and your Bible study group. You would smile and humbly acknowledge that you still have changes to make and like all believers – you realize you could do better...

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Pam PegramComment
Relationships are Hard

We all have relationship struggles from time to time. Some are serious and some are trivial. Some of us long for deep, connected, intimate relationships, while others just go along to get along - never truly understanding what they are missing...

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