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Read MoreRemember when they used to come on tv and “interrupt our regularly scheduled program”? We thought that was such an inconvenience, didn’t we? I can remember sighing loudly because my tv program was interrupted. That seems so silly now, because … (visit blog and continue reading about our interrupted life)
Read MoreI don’t know what you are dealing with right now. I don’t know if your struggle is heavy or light. I don’t know if you are scared or if you feel secure. But…today I was thinking about hope. We have hope. In the midst of uncertainty, when we are weighed down in fear and even when we feel all alone…
Read MoreHere we are, living in the craziest of times. What are we to do? Maybe, we are here as Esther 4:14 says, “for such a time as this”. For you see, it is in these times where we demonstrate if we will be full of fear or full of faith. Will we place our trust in …
Read MoreAre you? Are you saved and stuck? I wonder what comes to your mind when you read those words. What does ‘saved and stuck’ mean to you? You know, I have been there. I have experienced this more than once and because of that – those words burden me. You see, I truly believe t
Read MoreAre you ready to write that letter? Are you ready to step into more in your relationship with Jesus? Are you ready for your life to be about Him and who He has called you to be? We get so focused on the things of this world that do not even matter; while what matters most waits. He waits for us to give it all to Him.
Read MoreIf you and I were sitting with a cup of coffee and chatting about where we are in our life, especially in relation to our purpose, would you say you feel stuck or that you feel free to pursue your purpose with passion? It’s a tough question, isn’t it? We want to declare we are free. We know the Bible tells us that …
Read MoreRecently, I found myself in need of a little restoration. Anybody else? Maybe we should start a television series about women who need to be restored. They are tired, hurt and a little damaged. Then they spend a few weeks getting a makeover and ta da they are vibrant, glowing and filled with purpose and passion.
Read MoreWhen we find ourselves stuck, bogged down in the mire, unable to let go and move forward – we quickly realize there is a problem – a really BIG problem. However, our swirling thoughts convince us that we have been mistreated, rejected, overlooked, dismissed, judged, and we are mad, resentful, hurt, devastated, sad, and quite frankly - sinking. Can we be honest…
Read MoreWho can relate to feeling stuck? It is terrible! I mean, we aren’t supposed to feel this way. We are believers. Being stuck is for those who don’t know Him and haven’t discovered that He is their hope. Stuck is for those who
Read MoreYes, I know it is almost February. Yes, I know everyone else has already started the new year – but not me. You see… I… well, I don’t even know what to say. I’ve been a little stuck… How about you?
Read MoreDo you know that YOU are loved lavishly? Can we be honest and admit that sometimes we just don’t get it? It is hard to comprehend that we are truly loved with an everlasting love. If we got it, then we would not be searching so desperately for love from others.
Read MoreHave you been set free or are you still held in bondage by those who hurt you - things that seem so unfair - people who disappoint you or by the need to please everyone around you? Are you striving for a crown? Are you living victoriously or are you feeling a bit defeated? (Click to read this post)
Read MoreWhen God shows you something or speaks into your situation, write it down. There will come a time when you need to re-visit that truth. What do you know to be true? Do you live your life as if you believe in that truth? Lord, help us!
Read MoreWhat if God is waiting for us to show up? What if it is not enough to just go through the motions, doing the minimum to mark it off the list? What if what He is asking is simple, but we are making it hard and missing out on much?
Read MoreGod desires alone time with us. Do we desire to be alone with Him or are we just too busy? And when we do get a few minutes - do we collapse and watch mindless television, text with friends and scroll social media or run sit at His feet? For those of us who know Jesus, we are not of this world but we sure live like we are most days, don’t we? So, I have a question for you. Do you spend time alone with God?
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