Does Today Matter

What does your day look like, today? We all have the same amount of time in a day, but how we fill it varies greatly. There is so much to be done – coffee to drink, work to do, children to raise, dishes to wash, people to serve, shows to watch, food to eat, lists to be made, social media to scroll, arguments to be had, worries to fret, emails to read, phone calls to be made, bills to be paid, notes to be written, drawers to be organized, groceries to be purchased, spouses to love, errands to be run, floors to be swept, dinner to be cooked, water to be drank, children to be disciplined, beds to be fluffed, clutter to be cleared, workouts to be completed, and exhaustion to be felt – not necessarily in that order. Is this your life? The struggle is real, but so is Jesus. He has a better plan for our day. We say we know that – but still we hustle and bustle as if it all depends on me. So… what if there was a way to do it better? What if I gave you a list? Are you interested now?

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Pam PegramComment
Sharing from My Heart

I woke up today feeling burdened. There is a heaviness on my heart. It’s not because of the chaos that is all around us these days, but because so many have lost sight of what matters most. Have you? Will you stop right now and ask yourself, what matters most to me? If our answer is not a resounding JESUS, then we need a reset.

Will you watch (or listen to) my video and then will you take a few minutes and answer the questions below it? (Please click to continue to browser…)

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Pam PegramComment
Your BEST Year Ever

Your Best Year Ever! In the midst of this uncertain time, are you ready to have your best year ever? Did you set some New Year resolutions or choose your word of the year? I would love to know what a great year would look like for you. Have you made a list or formulated a plan? Or are you just waiting to see what happens?

As the new year began, I was reading from Oswald Chamber’s, My Utmost for His Highest. I love his devotional because he is a straight shooter, never sugar coating God’s word. The devotional on January 1 focuses on…

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Pam PegramComment
Preparing Him Room

The tree is up, the presents are wrapped, and the groceries have been bought. Our mind is racing and going over every little detail. We want the holidays to be merry and bright. We want our day to be filled with fellowship and laughter. We cannot wait to eat the yummy foods and savor a slice of our favorite cake. We have a lot of expectations that we secretly hope are all met so that this Christmas can be good. We are longing for a good day.

Can our heart prepare Jesus room? After all - He is the reason for the season.

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Pam PegramComment
Got Joy Yet

“Joy to the World, the Lord has come…” It is playing on the radio, we sing it in church and hum it as we cook dinner. But… where is our joy? Are you feeling joyful, filled with joy this holiday season? Or are you feeling stressed, exhausted, and discouraged? Got joy yet? Let’s talk about it… click to read more.

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Pam PegramComment
The Cure for the Other Outbreak we are Experiencing

These are strange times – to say the least. Skip the political and pandemic issues – let’s just talk about what is happening among the people. Have you noticed? There is this outbreak that is happening, and it is spreading like a wildfire. It is scarier to me than everything else that is going on in our world. It is sure to cause pain and suffering on a grand scale.

What is this outbreak I am referring to today? It is the outbreak of self-centeredness. Have you experienced it? How do we stop this outbreak and find a little bit of joy?

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Pam PegramComment
What Has Your Devotion

So, I have been thinking about this a lot lately. What has my devotion? Where do I devote my time? What am I committed to – no matter what else is going on around me? Let’s talk about it. What has your devotion?

Are you like me and devoted to things that are not worthy of your devotion? How can we shift our devotion to what matters most? Let’s talk about it - hop over to the blog… I think you will find this helpful.

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Pam Pegram Comment
We are All in Need of Improvement

Don’t let the picture fool you. This post is not about physical improvements we need to make, it is about so much more. Let’s chat.…

Why do we so easily find fault with others? It is like a flashing neon light we recognize without any problem. But when it comes to finding fault within ourself, it can sometimes feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. We justify, we rationalize, and we make excuses – so many excuses. The reality is we are all in need of improvement. We all need to change. We all need to grow and become better and better.

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Pam PegramComment
Have You Lost Sight of Who You Are

It is easy to do. We fall prey to this world we live in and we easily lose sight of our true identity. Why is that? Well, because we are looking for it in all the wrong places. We believe our identity is found in our outward beauty, our career or lack thereof, gauged by our ability to create the perfect life, and/or found in the approval of others, but it is not. We wear labels that falsely identify us - from our childhood, from our life circumstances and our own negative self talk. The world, the people or circumstances in our life, nor our negative self-talk is what defines us. Our identity is found in our Creator. Shouldn’t we go to Him and His word if we are to truly understand who it is that we are?

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Pam PegramComment

Did you know there has been scientific research that suggests that gratitude has health benefits? Google it. You can find articles that tell you it increases happiness, reduces stress, leads to a healthier heart, helps you sleep, promotes physical health, and even changes your brain. You will also learn that the opposite of gratitude – ingratitude – can have detrimental effects on you, your life and your health.

We – us believers – should already know this because there are countless scriptures that tell us to be thankful. God’s word says, “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (I Thessalonians 5:18) It doesn’t say be thankful for everything, but in everything. As we study God’s word, we come to understand that gratitude should characterize the Christian life and speaks powerfully of our walk with Christ. Gratitude is looking up and ingratitude is looking down.

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Pam PegramComment
Got Hope

Anybody struggling? It's been a tough year. The past 12 months have NOT been my favorite for a lot of reasons. We have suffered heartbreaking losses, faced challenges we did not anticipate, and had big trips and big plans cancelled or postponed. But... we have also had some very sweet moments, laughed at ourselves and received some exciting news. I have a choice. I can focus on all that went wrong or I can choose to focus on all that is good. Where are you choosing to place your focus?

If I am not careful, I can start thinking that my life is all about me and how things are going from my perspective. But then I am reminded that…

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Pam PegramComment
You Matter

You matter! Why do we forget this? Well, because there are those in this fallen world who act as if we don’t. And there are those we encounter who show us they believe that they matter much more than we do. And because we have an adversary whose only desire is to “steal, kill and destroy” anything that would cause us to believe the truth and fulfill our purpose.

But… there is the evidence, this great truth… (click link to read post).

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Pam PegramComment
You Have Been Invited

Quick Question… How is your relationship with Jesus? Yep, I asked it – but will you answer it honestly? Right now, today, which of these answers best describes you…

o I know about Him, but I cannot say that I know Him.

o I say that I know Him because I accepted Him as my Savior years ago, and I go to church, but I can’t really say that I have a real relationship with Him.

o I love the Lord and am active in my church and studying my Bible, but to be honest – I have no idea what “intimacy with Jesus” even means.

o There have been times in my life where I have experienced intimacy with Jesus, but right now I am struggling to feel that.

o I do experience an intimacy with Jesus, but I know that there is always more and I am ready for it.

(Visit Blog to Continue Reading.)

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Pam PegramComment
His Grace is Sufficient

The morning after my Daddy’s death, this verse was like a news ticker running through my mind… “My grace is sufficient for you”……….”My grace is sufficient for you”……….”My grace is sufficient for you”. Grief is strange. It comes in waves. You are doing okay and then all of the sudden… (visit blog to continue reading)

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Pam Pegram Comment
What Do I Need to Run My Race Well

This morning I was reading Hebrews 12:1-2 and reflecting on the words there. As I read these words over and over, I began to think about the weight we are carrying. We carry a lot of weight, don’t we? Weight is anything that hinders a runner. So, as we run our race – live the Christian life – what is weighing us down, slowing our pace and maybe even pulling us off course? Maybe we should just sit and think about what is the weight in our life – what is hindering us? Grab a pen and let’s make a list.

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Pam PegramComment
Why Me

There are times in our life when we cry out to God and ask, Why Me? This may take you back to a day or a time when you asked God this very question. Why do we have to walk through such difficult times? Why are we enduring heartbreak? Why did this happen to us? We question God and want an answer to our question… Why Me? What did I do to deserve this?

But there are other times when we ask this same question… (visit blog and continue reading)

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Pam PegramComment