Where Do You Get that Living Water

Do you remember the Bible story about the woman at the well? Jesus, a Jew, sat and talked with her, a Samaritan. She was curious why he was asking her for a drink of water when the Jews hated the Samaritans. It got even more confusing to her when Jesus mentioned she should be asking Him for living water. In John 4:11, she asked, Where do you get that living water? You know the story. As they continued to talk it became clear that not only was Jesus talking to a Samaritan, but He knew all about her. He knew she had been married 5 times and was now living with her next boyfriend. She had a past she trying to keep hidden, but He knew. He knew and yet…

If you are thirsty - click the link and keep reading this post.

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Bring Them Here to Me

Bring them here to me.” That is what Jesus said when the disciples told Him they only had 5 loaves and 2 fish. Have you ever stopped to think about what was happening? If there were thousands of people to feed and we only had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, what would we do? I don’t know what you would do, but I would get a little spastic and go into overdrive mode. I would be running around like a crazy person, recruiting people to run get groceries and trying to find solutions to what would feel like an enormous crisis.

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15 Verses that Prove You are Enough

When the world tells you that you are not enough, don’t believe it. You are enough because your Creator says you are. Here are 15 verses to remind you that you are enough - especially when your feelings are trying to convince you differently. Those are lies. Today, I am praying that you will rest in the truth of God’s word. Here is what He has to say about you….

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Stop It! Then Start.

There is a scripture in 1 John that just might rock you a little. It certainly has me. It is so easy to be distracted by this world we live in and get so caught up in the little details that simply do not matter, that we lose sight of what our life is meant to be all about. We forget what really matters.

(Be sure to click the link to discover what we need to stop and what we need to start. Also, see the scripture mentioned above and fill in the blank on the graphic. Let’s encourage each other to more forward.)

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How Did I Get on the Struggle Bus?

Someone let me off this thing! I’m struggling and it’s not pretty. What is happening?

Monday my feelings flowed out of my eyes. Tuesday I ate my feelings. And today my blog post would have been a pity party had I not deleted it.

Then I remembered...

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What are You Doing that You Need to Stop

What are you doing that you need to stop and what is it that you need to start? How would you complete this sentence, “I need to stop __________, and instead start ____________? What immediately popped into your mind? Maybe you have been carrying around some guilt because you know you are doing things that you should not do. Or maybe the fact that you aren’t choosing to do things you know you should be doing is causing you some unrest. So, give it a little more thought. What do you need to stop doing? What do you need to start doing? You see, I believe they are connected. (Hop over to the blog to continue reading and I will give you some examples…)

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Walk Through Holy Week

Join us for an account of what happened during Holy Week - the week leading up to Easter. Read a day by day account and see pictures from the Holy Land. Be sure to share this with all that you love. It matters. Click the link to start reading…

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Verse Mapping

Are you ready to get a little creative and go deeper as you study God’s word? Have you heard of Verse Mapping? It is simply a method of Bible Study that offers a way to dive deep into scripture and gain a clearer understanding of God’s word. Let’s face it, sometimes understanding scripture can be a bit daunting. Verse mapping is researching the words used in a scripture, clarifying the meaning…

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His Faithfulness is Greater than My Fear

What do you fear? For some, fear is overwhelming and even consuming at times. For others, we are not cognizant of our fears, yet they still hold us back. Not all fear is bad. There is the fear of the Lord, which is our awe and respect for Him. The Bible tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the fountain of life. That is different than the spirit of fear. So today, let’s look at what God tells us about this spirit of fear…

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His Path is Greater than My Path

The psalmist describes God’s word as light - a guide for living. It tells us that God’s word is like a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Just as a lantern lights our next step along a dark path, God’s word illuminates our next step along the path He has for us to walk. Later in verse 130, the light refers to understanding. Are we on His path? Are we living as if we believe His Path > My Path? Click to learn 3 Steps to Lead Us to the Path God has for Us…

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Beautiful Word Bible and Bible Journal Reviews

I am excited to share with you a little bit about some beautiful resources to encourage you and your daughters and/or granddaughters in Bible Study.

Bible journaling has been popular for several years now. The idea of writing in your Bible is no longer taboo; instead creating beautiful works of art in the margin of your Bible is actually encouraged. Therefore, we now have many options when it comes to journal Bibles and also Bible journals. And the great news is – there is help for those of us who enjoy being creative but are not professional artists.

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His Way is Greater than Our Way

If asked the question, “Do you think you are higher than God?” We would firmly answer, “Absolutely NOT!” We would profess that we know that God is the highest supreme being and that His way is always best. Yet, if we could not speak and someone just read the pages of our life what would they read? Would they read that we believe God’s way is greater than our way?

Let’s look at 5 ways we can change our perspective and live our belief that His Way > My Way…

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