What is God's Purpose for My Life

We were created on purpose and for a purpose. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Are we living out those plans? Are we fulfilling our purpose?

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Pam PegramComment
Happy New Year

Happy New Year, friends! Have you thought about what you want 2022 to look like? Are you setting New Year Resolutions, goals, plans and even choosing your word of the year? Are you doing what you do every year at this time or are you ready to try something different?

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Pam PegramComment
What Does God Want Me to Do

Do you ever wonder, what does God want me to do? Do you wish He would just drop you a note down from heaven with detailed instructions or a 5-year plan? Do you long to please Him – but you simply are not sure that you do?

Visit the post to find an answer for this questions and get a list of 7 Things He Wants us to Do.

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Pam PegramComment
His Presence, PROVISION and Promises – Part 2

Last week, we discussed how we can experience God’s presence. What a glorious privilege that is! We listed 4 steps to take if you don’t know how to bring yourself to a place to experience Him. If you missed it, go back to the blog and read last week’s post. As daughters of the King, we are recipients of God's PROVISION. Stop and think about that. He will supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. We read that in His word in Philippians 4:19, so we can rest assured that it is true.

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Pam PegramComment
His PRESENCE, Provision & Promises - Part 1

Recently, I was chatting with a group of friends about our inheritance as daughters of the King. As God’s adopted, we have an amazing inheritance. We have been granted access to His presence, we have been assured of His provision, and we can rest on His promises.

We know this to be true. We believe it. So, why are we not partaking of these amazing gifts we have been given?

Today, let’s take a look at ways we can experience God’s presence… (4 steps to His Presence)

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Pam PegramComment
What do I Want? What do I Need?

How would you answer those questions? For so much of my life the answers were in sharp contrast to one another. Much of what I wanted, was not actually what I needed. I am not sure when I became aware that my wants weren’t really what I needed, but I do know that I would have told you I knew the difference. Have you ever thought about the fact that we don’t know what we don’t know?

This year has brought challenges for me. I won’t bore you with the details again, but I am now aware of what I want and want I need. They are no longer different. In fact, what I want is exactly what I need.

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Pam PegramComment
What's Next for Me

Do you ever ask yourself that question, What’s next for me? I certainly do. Matter of fact, this question and searching for the answer has been consuming most of 2021 for me. When Premier Designs / DVTD closed at the end of 2020, my heart broke. I had spent 23 years of my life building a business that I thought would last long past me. Oh, I had experienced some hard seasons, as all leaders do. I had even entertained the idea of leaving at one point, but

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Pam Pegram Comment
There Has to be More

Is this you? You are busy trying to do all the things. You are completely overwhelmed by your life, yet still there is a deep place within your soul that is longing for more. There has to be more. Yes, you love your family. Yes, you love your friends. You love Jesus. You even love your life. But… you know. You know that there is something you are missing. You want it – whatever it is, but you are not sure how to go about finding it.

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Pam PegramComment
Does it Really Matter

Once we accept Jesus as our Savior, does it really matter how we live our lives? Does it matter how we spend our time? Do our priorities matter at all? I mean we have prayed the prayer and invited Him into our heart, so can’t we check that off our To Do list and just focus on living our best life? Does it matter if we read the Bible? Does it really matter if I have a relationship with Jesus? Does it matter?

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Pam PegramComment
What a Friend we Have in Jesus

You were created to have a relationship – a friendship – with God. The gospel calls us to trust Jesus as our Savior, surrender to Him as our King, and to value Him as our treasure. He is the Rock of our Salvation, the King of Kings and as Paul tells us in Philippians, nothing compares to knowing Him. God did not give His only begotten Son so that we could know all about Him. He sent Him so that we could know Him intimately. Jesus can be our Savior, our King and our Friend. So, how do we cultivate a relationship with Jesus?

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Pam PegramComment
God is Bigger than the Giants

There we saw the giants. Numbers 13:33 Do you know the story? Moses sent spies ahead to check out the promised land. He was anxious to hear about the people and their cities. He asked them to bring back some of the fruit of the land because it was the season of the first grape harvest. Joshua and Caleb saw God, but the spies saw giants. It’s all a matter of perspective. Do you need to shift your outlook?

Giants! The giants are everywhere! Giants represent our difficulties. They are our struggles, our problems and our fears.

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Pam PegramComment
How Do I Surrender Everything to God?

Are you struggling or are you surrendering? Have you surrendered some things, while you struggle with others? Don’t be too quick to answer. If there are areas in our life where we are struggling, then we have not surrendered it to God. Ugh. This is what God is currently teaching me. There are some areas of my life where I have struggled…

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